Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

The forecast spouses 24 October 2007, Buda Cemeng Kulawu - English Mobile Version

Your Birth Day:

Birth date of 24 October 2007
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Buda Wage)
    Lintang Kartika, Have aligned behavior. Like to do things that cause other people happy. Each act is full of consideration. Smart lure people and always humble. Glad to saving lives despite having wealth.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Kulawu)
    The Sadana God, honest, compassion, helpfulness, jaunty, its open, authoritative, current fortune, like humor.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Scorpio)
    Has a powerful personality. In life can have the highest level, but can also fall into the lowest place. Fond of social affairs, resilient, and diligent. Her partner Pisces, Cancer Fund, and Virgo.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Awidya)
    Long life, rarely get into trouble, all of which work well done. When having difficulty quickly solved, quite a treasure. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Saskara.

Meaning of Crow and Owl Sounds

On the way to meet an owl that flies overhead, it means a warning to you to keep your safety otherwise you will soon get sick soon.

If someone is sick and then they hear the sound of a black crow, it means that ... Detailed info

The Meaning of the Gecko Sound

According to Javanese people's belief, the sound of the gecko is calculated based on an odd-even count to interpret something good or bad that will happen. For example, the sound of the first gecko means good, second bad, third is good and so on. The conclusion is in the last vote, odd means good and even heavy is bad.

Whereas in Balinese society, the sound of the gecko is defined by the number of times the gecko sounds, from one to 15 counts. If the gecko beeps more than 15 times then the count of 16 returns again with its meaning like counting to 1 and so on. The complete meaning of the sound of the gecko based on the number is as follows ... More