Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

Meaning of Gecko Sound | Mythology of the Meaning of the Gecko's Voice

According to Javanese belief, the sound of the gecko is calculated based on an odd-even count to interpret something good or bad that will happen. For example, the sound of the first gecko means good, second bad, third good and so on. The conclusion is in the last vote, odd means good and even heavy is bad.

Whereas in Balinese society, the sound of the gecko is defined as the number of times the gecko sounds, from one to 15 counts, each has its own meaning. If the gecko beeps more than 15 times then the count of 16 returns again with its meaning like counting to 1 and so on. The complete meaning of the sound of the gecko based on the number is as follows:

  • 01X SIDA KARYA. Success at work.
  • 02X NEMU ASIH. Love one another.
  • 03X SUWUNG KEPANGIH. Lonely to get.
  • 04X MENEMU REDUT. Meet with distress.
  • 05X SANGGIH SUKA. Meet with happiness.
  • 06X SENGKALA GERING. Calamity.
  • 07X NEMU AYU. Get kindness.
  • 08X ALA GERING. Got bad.
  • 09X SENGSARA BARA. Burning passion.
  • 10X WIRYAGUNA. Be very useful.
  • 11X KIRANG SEKAYA. Less treasure.
  • 12X MEWEH KEPANGGIH. Meet troubles.
  • 13X LABA BHUKTI. Make a profit.
  • 14X WSETATA UYUT. Always making noise.
  • 15X GALA DAHAT. Very bad.