The natives of the year of the goat are both friendly and shy, affable and rather pessimistic. Calm, reliability, intelligence and creativity that characterize make the very pleasant people to patronize.
Strengths: gentle, softhearted, considerate, attractive, hardworking, persistent, thrift.
Weaknesses: indecisive, timid, vain, pessimistic, moody, weak-willed.
Best Matches: Horse, Rabbit, Pig. Sheep could make a perfect couple with Horse, Rabbit or Pig. The harmonious bond between them would bring prosperity to both their career and families. The couple will win respect from others.
Bad Matches: Ox, Tiger, Dog. If Goat people get married with Ox, Tiger or Dog people, they may hardly live a happy life. Throughout their life, they might encounter considerable difficulties and setbacks. They might spend life in tough work or even experience the pain of losing family members.
Lucky numbers: 3, 4, and 9. Unlucky numbers: 1, 5, and 6.