Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

Menentukan Letak atau Posisi Dapur yang Tepat di Pekarangan Rumah - Primbon Bali Agung
To avoid bad thing happens in the household, Astha Kosala references mention the merits of the position of the kitchen in the yard as follows:

East Not good, will always grieve
SoutheastNot good, would be very wasteful
North Very good, live well
Southwest More good, get safety
WestNot good, often affected by disease, live in shortage
NorthwestNot good, will be overwritten many diseases
NorthNot good, often due to illness

Kitchen position in the yard, asta kosala kosali, Primbon Bali Agung

The Meaning of Snakes Enter Your Home at Night

If a poisonous snake enters during the day, it means that in the near future someone will die.

If a poisonous snake enters the house at night, it means that it will ... Details

How To Keep Tuyul From Entering Your Home

Tuyul is a kind of spirit in the form of a child, this tuyul can be used or ordered by the owner (the keeper) to steal money. In stealing money, the tuyul has a characteristic that he never stole large amounts of money in one place but paid small installments and did it in many places.

It is advisable to plant the following types of plants to prevent tuyul from entering the house ... Details