Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

The forecast of love 2 December 2007 - English Mobile Version

Your birth date

Your soul mate

Birth date of 2 December 2007 with 2 December 2007
You were born on the Redite Pon Kulantir, number of your Urip is 20, while your spouse was on the Redite Pon Kulantir with the number of his/her Urip is 20. According to soul mate forecast from Tri Pramana reference, this spouse will be poor, underprivileged life.

Meaning of Crow and Owl Sounds

On the way to meet an owl that flies overhead, it means a warning to you to keep your safety otherwise you will soon get sick soon.

If someone is sick and then they hear the sound of a black crow, it means that ... Detailed info

Meaning of Lizard Sounds

Meanwhile, if the lizard sounds when we are talking about something, it is a sign that what we are talking about is true. Meanwhile, if the lizard starts to pray when or so we finish praying, it is a sign that our prayers and prayers will be answered.

According to the direction from which the lizard sound came, the meaning can be encapsulated as follows:... More