Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

The forecast spouses 12 September 2022, Soma Umanis Bala - English Mobile Version

Your Birth Day:

Birth date of 12 September 2022
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Soma Umanis)
    Lintang Kelapa, Behavior is very polite, also in spoken. Loyal to his loved ones, a lot of sympathy because his behavior was. Quarrels can occur due to frequent interlope and occupy less promise.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Bala)
    The God of Durga, Since childhood lack of supervision can be haughty temperament, likes to make a fuss, but very intelligent, influential command, middling position, good relationships, a sense of social thin.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Virgo)
    Tempered somewhat less pity. Chatty demeanor but happy with the things that are investigation. Should more pity that the association was elated. Her partner Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Upadana)
    Brave, love to the community, like sleep, without the direction of behavior, speech fun, generous, easy to get a job. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 2 months, and 9 years old. Died at Pratiti Bhawa.

The Meaning of Dogs Howling at Midnight

If a pet dog howls all night, it is a sign that we will hear bad news, where one of our relatives or someone is sick or stricken by something.

If a dog howls like it's crying at exactly 24.00 midnight, that means ... Details

The Meaning of the Gecko Sound

According to Javanese people's belief, the sound of the gecko is calculated based on an odd-even count to interpret something good or bad that will happen. For example, the sound of the first gecko means good, second bad, third is good and so on. The conclusion is in the last vote, odd means good and even heavy is bad.

Whereas in Balinese society, the sound of the gecko is defined by the number of times the gecko sounds, from one to 15 counts. If the gecko beeps more than 15 times then the count of 16 returns again with its meaning like counting to 1 and so on. The complete meaning of the sound of the gecko based on the number is as follows ... More