Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

Zodiac 11 December 2022 - English Mobile Version

Your Birth date:

Birth date of 11 December 2022
  • Symbol
    The Archer
  • Health
    Susceptible to rheumatic diseases, lung, leg fractures, asthma, cough, and bronchitis.
  • Character
    Virtuous, always thinking of ways to raise the dignity of the human being and prosperity of society. Cultivated sweet, gentle, and therefore many people enjoy. Dare to sacrifice for others. Able to work hard, take care, and discipline so often get a high position in society. Sagittarius may be alone to take a holy life. Sagittarius woman good at organizing the household, loved by his family as a fair, but tough. The weakness, proud of his own cleverness, like mocking a way that offends others wrapped. Sagittarius who lack education, like angry, destructive, selfish, reckless act. In providing help to people often cross the line, and often kindness, honesty and generosity wasted people.
  • Occupation
    In the field of religion, diplomatic, book publishers, printing, journalists, lawyers, sports, and artists. In his rare to lack of money.
  • Mate
    Aquarius, Libra, and Sagitarius itself.
  • Day
  • Colour
    Red, green, and yellow gold
  • Gemstones
    Diamond and Kemala
  • Numeral

The Meaning of Dogs Howling at Midnight

If a pet dog howls all night, it is a sign that we will hear bad news, where one of our relatives or someone is sick or stricken by something.

If a dog howls like it's crying at exactly 24.00 midnight, that means ... Details

How to Keep Tuyul from Taking Your Money

Tuyul is a kind of spirit in the form of children, this tuyul can be used or ordered by the owner (the keeper) to steal money. In stealing money, the tuyul has a characteristic that he never stole large amounts of money in one place but paid small installments and did it in many places.

In order for the tuyul not to steal money at the place where you keep money (in your wallet, bank, safe, cupboard, drawer, etc.), do the following:... Details