Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

The Primbon Prediction of the Birth of a Good Baby 12 July 2020 | Sifat dan Karakter Bayi

If the baby's birth is not through a normal process or through surgery, usually the baby's birth date can be selected. There is nothing wrong if you consider the ancestral library of Wariga Adults below to predict the characteristics and characteristics of babies born according to certain dates

Tanggal Lahir Bayi Anda:

Born on 12 July 2020
  • Minggu
    Lakuning Srenggana (the behavior of the sun) means that her heart is bright, willing to sacrifice for her relatives, hard-hearted, likes to get along well with colleagues and subordinates, likes cleanliness, is good at talking, can rule people even though they are older.
  • Redite Wage

Want to know the time or time of birth of a good baby, Click here

Meaning of Crow and Owl Sounds

On the way to meet an owl that flies overhead, it means a warning to you to keep your safety otherwise you will soon get sick soon.

If someone is sick and then they hear the sound of a black crow, it means that ... Detailed info

How To Keep Tuyul From Entering Your Home

Tuyul is a kind of spirit in the form of a child, this tuyul can be used or ordered by the owner (the keeper) to steal money. In stealing money, the tuyul has a characteristic that he never stole large amounts of money in one place but paid small installments and did it in many places.

It is advisable to plant the following types of plants to prevent tuyul from entering the house ... Details
