Primbon Bali Agung
Ancestral Heritage Library

The forecast of dating 8 December 2003 - English Mobile Version

Your birth date

Your soul mate

Birth date of 8 December 2003 with 5 November 1997
You were born on the Soma Pon Gumbreg, number of your Urip is 18, while your spouse was on the Buda Wage Merakih with the number of his/her Urip is 16. According to soul mate forecast from Tri Pramana reference, this spouse will be often in distress.

The Meaning of Crashing a Cat to Death

If we hit a cat until it gets injured, it means that in the near future the hitman will catch a serious illness, unless the cat is treated.

If you hit a cat to death on your way, it means ... More

Meaning of Lizard Sounds

Meanwhile, if the lizard sounds when we are talking about something, it is a sign that what we are talking about is true. Meanwhile, if the lizard starts to pray when or so we finish praying, it is a sign that our prayers and prayers will be answered.

According to the direction from which the lizard sound came, the meaning can be encapsulated as follows:... More